PISA | |
Description | |
Location | Pisa PI - Pisa - Toscana |
Location | |
Latitude - Longitude (approx) | + 43°43'00" + 10°24'00" (approx) 43.716667 10.4 (approx) |
UTM Coordinates (approx) | X = 612777.043 - Y = 4841356.759 - Zone 32T (approx) |
Aerial photo / Map (*) | OpenStreetMap - Google Maps - Bing Maps - Flash Earth - Wikimapia |
Altitude AMSL (approx) | 5 m - 16 ft (approx) |
Inauguration | |
Closing | |
Designer | |
Sources and links (Translation) (**) |
Pisa | |||||
Description | |||||
Years | 1923 | ||||
Direction | |||||
Proposal | NO | ||||
No longer operational | YES | ||||
Car Circuit | |||||
Motorbike circuit | |||||
Type | |||||
Inauguration | |||||
Closing | |||||
Last update of this page | April 4th 2006 | ||||
Info last update | |||||
Designer | |||||
Distinctive points |