Not to be confused with Otaru (Nichijo)
Description La storia di una gara da svolgersi sulle strade di Otaru risale agli anni ’90. Il presupposto parte dalla convinzione dei promotori che le strade di Otaru siano molto simili a quelli di Montecarlo (!), e che pertanto possano ospitare un Gran Premio Già dalla fine del 2002 la Hokkaido Michi Mirai Network, fra i promotori dell’idea, visita l’organizzazione del Gp di Macau, e il 27 marzo 2004 nasce Hokkaido Otaru Grand Prix Project Committe, con a capo il sindaco della cittadina. Nel giugno dello stesso anno riceve inoltre l’autorizzazione ministeriale all’organizzazione della gara. Il 3 Marzo 2005 Kevin Kalkhoven, uno dei proprietari della Champ Car, visita Otaru, dando disponibilità ad ospitare, in un futuro, una gara. L’attività organizzativa non si ferma: vengono visitati il Gran Premio di Long Beach e di Surfers Paradise, mentre a supposto della gara vengono raccolte oltre 8.000 firme.
L’8 luglio 2005 vengono invitati per la prima volta i rappresentanti della Champ Car a discutere dell’organizzazione dell’evento; contestualmente la stessa Champ Car da mandato a Martin Thake, suo disegnatore di tracciati di fiducia, di studiare la fattibilità di tracciare un circuito su una zona preposta e identificata nei pressi del porto della cittadina.
Ad oggi (maggio 2007), dopo una dimostrazione da svolgersi nell’ottobre 2006 (che non so se si è realmente svolta), non si hanno più notizie; l’Hokkaido Otaru Grand Prix di Champ Car, da svolgersi a fine 2007 non è stato inserito nel calendario, anche se indiscrezioni indicano la sua fattibilità per il 2008.
Manca, ad oggi [maggio 2007], comunque un progetto del tracciato.
Location Otaru - Hokkaidō - Hokkaidō
Latitude - Longitude + 43°11'33"     +141°00'40"
43.1925     141.011111
UTM Coordinates X = 500902.807  -  Y = 4782192.015  -  Zone 54T
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Flash Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia  -   Aerial photo / Map (*)
Altitude AMSL 5 m - 16 ft
Designer Thake
Martyn Thake
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Japanese Official website
(2) English Official website
(3) Italian English Forum Forum --> Asia --> Japan --> Otaru 2007 (ITA - ENG)
(4) English Track layout
(5) English Track layout
(6) English Track layout

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Description First proposal
Years 2007
Direction Clockwise   Clockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed  
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Street course
Last update of this page September 5th 2010
Info last update  
Designer Thake
Martyn Thake
Distinctive points  
length 3520  m 11549  ft 2.187  mi Calculated from aerial photo (*) (5)

Description Second proposal
Years 2007
Direction Clockwise   Clockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed  
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Street course
Last update of this page September 5th 2010
Info last update  
Designer Thake
Martyn Thake
Distinctive points  
length 3200  m 10499  ft 1.988  mi    
length 3319  m 10890  ft 2.063  mi Calculated from aerial photo (*) (4)

Otaru: first and second proposals

Due to technical problems, temporarily it’s no longer possible to see the circuits on Google Maps embedded in the current page.
This feature will be restored as soon as I figure out how to do (any help would be appreciated!)

See this track layout with Google Earth
( can be used in your browser, without installing anything; Google Earth is a program that must be installed in your computer)
(Map shown here above can show at the same time all eventual layouts drawn. If you want to see only some of them, please go to Google Maps or Google Earth, by clicking on its own link)

Otaru: first proposal

Due to technical problems, temporarily it’s no longer possible to see the circuits on Google Maps embedded in the current page.
This feature will be restored as soon as I figure out how to do (any help would be appreciated!)

See this track layout with Google Earth -
( can be used in your browser, without installing anything; Google Earth is a program that must be installed in your computer)
(Map shown here above can show at the same time all eventual layouts drawn. If you want to see only some of them, please go to Google Maps or Google Earth, by clicking on its own link)

Otaru: second proposal

Due to technical problems, temporarily it’s no longer possible to see the circuits on Google Maps embedded in the current page.
This feature will be restored as soon as I figure out how to do (any help would be appreciated!)

See this track layout with Google Earth -
( can be used in your browser, without installing anything; Google Earth is a program that must be installed in your computer)
(Map shown here above can show at the same time all eventual layouts drawn. If you want to see only some of them, please go to Google Maps or Google Earth, by clicking on its own link)

Date Track layout Years Description by Map by Thanks to Note
September 5th 2010   2007 Guido de Carli Avril Avril Update Description with map
May 8th 2007   2007 Lorenzo Tommasi     Update Description
February 11th 2006   2007 Guido de Carli     New Description without map
Not all eventual updates issued in last years are already visible in this list
Guido de Carli
(Italiano - English - Español)
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