Not to be confused with Asmara
Description Autosprint published (I don’t know when, but before # 12/1973) that there is a remote possibility of build a permanent track at Asmara. The circuit should have been very fast, similar to the old one at Tripoli. Later John Hugenholtz, Zandvoort director and designer of several tracks, got in touch with Eritrea Automobile Club for seeing the lie of the land. I have no more info.
Location Asmara - Regione Centrale / Central
Location NOTE: Eritrea was an Italian colony from 1890 to 1941 and from 1936 to 1941 it was included in Africa Orientale Italiana (Italian Eastern Africa, A.O.I.) toghether with Ethiopia and Italian Somaliland. With the defeat of Italy in 1941 Great Britain governed Eritrea as a protectorate ruled it as "Occupied Enemy Territory." On December 2th 1950 UN passed a resolution that formally federated Eritrea to Ethiopia. In September 1952, the agreement was put into practice and Ethiopians replaced the British. After a very long war, Eritrea declared its indepence on May 24th 1993.
Latitude - Longitude (approx) + 15°20'00"     + 38°56'00"     (approx)
15.333333     38.933333     (approx)
UTM Coordinates (approx) X = 492844.022  -  Y = 1695195.745  -  Zone 37P     (approx)
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Flash Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia
Altitude AMSL (approx) 2200 m - 7218 ft    (approx)
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Italian Autosprint 4/1970 (page 13) Proposal for a fast car track, similar to old Tripoli one January 26th 1970
(2) Italian Autosprint 48/1972 (page 25) Very short info about a proposed circuit November 27th 1972
(3) Italian Autosprint 13/1973 (page 46) March 26th 1973

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Asmara (autodromo)
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page December 18th 2007
Info last update March 1973
Distinctive points  

Guido de Carli
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