Description |
Street kart track, used at least for 6th event of Sardinia kart Championship on summer 1987 |
Location |
Sanluri VS - Medio Campidano - Sardegna |
Location |
Latitude - Longitude (approx) |
+ 39°34'00" + 8°54'00" (approx) 39.566667 8.9 (approx) |
UTM Coordinates (approx) |
X = 491410.317 - Y = 4379668.071 - Zone 32S (approx) |
Aerial photo / Map (*) |
OpenStreetMap - Google Maps - Bing Maps - Flash Earth - Wikimapia - Portale Cartografico Nazionale |
Altitude AMSL (approx) |
135 m - 443 ft (approx) |
Inauguration |
Closing |
Designer |
Sources and links (Translation) (**) |
(1) |
Rombo 34-35 (331-332)/1987 (page 106) |
September 1st 1987 |