Not to be confused with |
Mercedes (1926÷1927) - Mercedes, 500 millas Mercedinas |
Description |
Location |
Mercedes - Soriano |
Location |
Latitude - Longitude |
- 33°16'42" - 58°00'29" -33.278333 -58.008056 |
UTM Coordinates |
X = 406126.45 - Y = 6317403.192 - Zone 21H |
Aerial photo / Map (*) |
OpenStreetMap - Google Maps - Bing Maps - Flash Earth - Wikimapia |
Altitude AMSL |
44 m - 144 ft |
Inauguration |
Closing |
Designer |
Sources and links (Translation) (**) |
(1) |
Forum |
Forum Latin America More countries URU - Videos from Youtube and infos in brief [ENG] |
| (2) |
www.fuad.com.uy/circuitos.php |
FUAD - Federación Uruguayana de Automovilismo Deportivo (Uruguayan Racing Car Federation official website) |