Location San Juan
J - San Juan - Nuevo Cuyo
Location International event, raced in Argentina and Chile
Latitude - Longitude (approx) - 31°32'00"     - 68°31'00"     (approx)
-31.533333     -68.516667     (approx)
UTM Coordinates (approx) X = 545883.347  -  Y = 6511187.706  -  Zone 19J     (approx)
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Flash Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia
Altitude AMSL 4722 m - 15492 ft
Inauguration April 7th 1966
Closing 1971
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Argentinian Spanish Historia Deportiva del Automovilismo Argentino Author: Alfredo Parga - Published by: La Nación - Published in: Argentina - year: 1995
(2) Argentinian Spanish Manual, Guia, Enciclopedia, Cronica y Diccionario del Automovilismo Author: Alberto Del Priore - Published by: Argentina Editorial IRCLA - Published in: Buenos Aires, Argentina - year: 1971
(3) Argentinian Spanish ForumForum --> Latin America --> Argentina --> Circuitos Argentinos [ESP] (with description and map)
(4) Argentinian Spanish Automundo 202/1969 (page 27) [Publishing date: March 18th 1969]
(5) Argentinian Spanish El Gráfico 2632/1970 (page 14) [Publishing date: March 17th 1970]
(6) Argentinian Spanish Automundo 302/1971 (page 19) [Publishing date: March 2nd 1971]
(7) Argentinian Spanish Automundo 303/1971 (page 32) [Publishing date: March 7th 1971]

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Carrera San Juan - Coquimbo - San Juan
Years 1966÷1971?
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Road course
Inauguration April 7th 1966
Closing 1971
Last update of this page January 9th 2010
Info last update  
Distinctive points Ciudad De San Juan (ARG) - Albardon (ARG) - Matagusanos (ARG) - Talacasto (ARG) - Baños (ARG) - Cienaga (ARG) - El Colorado (ARG) - Iglesia (ARG) - Pismanta (ARG) - Peñasquito (ARG) - Arrequintin (ARG) - Paso De Agua Negra (ARG) - Limite Argentina-Chile - Tranque La Laguna (CHI) - Juntas (CHI) - Huanta (CHI) - Rivadavia (CHI) - Vicuña (CHI) - El Molle (CHI) - Las Rojas (CHI) - La Serena (CHI) - Coquimbo - Las Rojas (CHI) - El Molle (CHI) - Vicuña (CHI) - Rivadavia (CHI) - Cienaga (ARG) - Huanta (CHI) - Juntas (CHI) - Tranque La Laguna (CHI) - Limite Argentina-Chile - Paso De Agua Negra (ARG) - Arrequintin (ARG) - Peñasquito (ARG) - Pismanta (ARG) - Iglesia (ARG) - El Colorado (ARG) - Baños (ARG) - Talacasto (ARG) - Matagusanos (ARG) - Albardon (ARG) - Ciudad De San Juan (ARG)
length 956.2  km    594.171  mi Total (3)
length 478.1  km    297.086  mi Going only (3)
length 478.1  km    297.086  mi Return only (3)

Date Track layout Years Description by Map by Thanks to Note
January 9th 2010 Carrera San Juan - Coquimbo - San Juan 1966÷1971? Guido de Carli   Luis Alberto González New Description without map
Not all eventual updates issued in last years are already visible in this list
Guido de Carli
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