Not to be confused with Imola (1946) - Imola (1947÷1950) - Imola, Tre Monti
Location Imola
BO - Bologna - Emilia Romagna
Location Just South of Imola, approx. 33 km 20 mi East of Bologna, along river Santerno bank.
Latitude - Longitude + 44°20'38"     + 11°42'43"
44.343889     11.711944
UTM Coordinates X = 716169.884  -  Y = 4913646.185  -  Zone 32T
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Flash Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Portale Cartografico Nazionale
Altitude AMSL 47 m - 154 ft
Inauguration April 25th 1953
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Italian Circuit for 10h Imola Endurance Kar
(2) Italian Circuit for 10h Imola Endurance Kart: map
(3) Italian English Official website
(4) Italian Pubblicità ufficiale 1995
(5) Italian English Forum Forum --> Europe --> Italy --> Imola [ITA ENG]
(6) English 2008 layout
(7) Italian Wikipedia
(8) Italian 2008 layout map
(9) German Motorrad
(10) Italian
(11) Italian Autosprint 8/1963 Map (info to be verified)
(12) Italian Autosprint 16/1963 (page 32) History of the track (with map) August 16th 1963
(13) Italian Autosprint 9/1964 (page 16) L’opposizione dei proprietari dei terreni intorno al circuito sta crollando: presto il circuito sarà permanente? May 8th 1964
(14) Italian Autosprint 8/1965 (page 17) Un passo avanti per l’autodromo di Imola April 23rd 1965
(15) Italian Autosprint 11/1967 (page 18) Pronta la nuova tribuna March 13th 1967
(16) Italian Autosprint 49/1967 (page 29) Articolo sugli autodromo italiani in genere e mappa December 4th 1967
(17) Italian Autosprint 37/1968 (page 27) Descrizione e mappa (piccola) September 9th 1968
(18) Italian Autosprint 38/1968 (page 16) In calendario una riunione per il futuro del circuito September 16th 1968
(19) Italian Autosprint 7/1969 (page 20) Tra un anno sarà un vero autodromo February 17th 1969
(20) Italian Autosprint 21/1969 (page 19) Mappa e dati essenziali May 26th 1969
(21) Italian Autosprint 15/1970 (page 26) Il circuito potrebbe essere intitolato a Dino Ferrari April 13th 1970
(22) Italian Autosprint 22/1970 (page 2) Il comune pianifica la trasformazione in circuito permanente (foto mappa) June 1st 1970
(23) Italian Autosprint 26/1970 (page 21) Chiesti lavori per la sicurezza per un totale di 70 milioni di lire June 29th 1970
(24) Italian Autosprint 31/1970 (page 30) Nuovi guard rails e una maggiore via di fuga alla Tosa August 3rd 1970
(25) Italian Autosprint 32/1970 (page 32) Tutte le modifiche in vista della 500 km August 10th 1970
(26) Italian Autosprint 40/1970 (page 5) I commenti dei piloti October 5th 1970
(27) Italian Autosprint 49/1970 (page 30) In sintesi gli investimenti 1971 December 7th 1970
(28) Italian Autosprint 20/1971 (page 3) Addio al circuito, sostituito da una nuova pista a Borgo Panigale? May 17th 1971
(29) Italian Autosprint 23/1971 (page 35) Problemi burocratici: anche Italia Nostra si è schierata contro June 7th 1971
(30) Italian Autosprint 26/1971 (page 17) Autodromo pronto entro il 1973 June 28th 1971
(31) Italian Autosprint 29/1971 (page 44) Tutti i record fino al luglio 1971 (con mappa) July 19th 1971
(32) Italian Autosprint 28/1972 (page 26) Per settembre sarà costruita una variante dopo la Rivazza July 10th 1972
(33) Italian Autosprint 31/1972 (page 12) Variante Bassa proposal July 31st 1972
(34) Italian Autosprint 37/1972 (page 13) Firmata la convenzione tra comune di Imola e A.C. Bologna September 11th 1972
(35) Italian Autosprint 38/1972 (page 24) Inaugurata la variante con la 500 km (breve nota nell’articolo in alto a sinistra) September 18th 1972
(36) Italian Autosprint 38/1972 (page 20) Arguments about new chicane during Imola 500 km September 18th 1972
(37) Italian Autosprint 10/1973 (page 8) Foto dei lavori March 5th 1973
(38) Italian Autosprint 30/1973 (page 43) Disegno definitivo (e provvisorio) della Variante July 23rd 1973
(39) Italian Autosprint 36/1973 (page 44) Variante bassa quasi pronta, sarà inaugurata il 16 settembre September 3rd 1973
(40) Italian Autosprint 38/1973 (page 26) Nuova variante bassa e altri lavori svolti prima della 500 km di Imola September 17th 1973
(41) Italian Autosprint 17/1974 (page 42) Seconda variante April 22nd 1974
(42) Italian Autosprint 21/1974 (page 28) Novità Variante Alta (articolo sul Mondiale Marche) May 20th 1974
(43) Italian Autosprint 38/1975 (page 27) Lavori in corso per il GP F.1 dell’aprile 1976 September 16th 1975
(44) Italian Autosprint 41/1975 (page 16) Modifiche 1976 con foto e mappe October 7th 1975
(45) Italian Autosprint 21/1976 (page 30) Modifiche 1976 May 18th 1976
(46) Italian Autosprint 15/1977 (page 62) Novità 1977: rifatte varie curve e finalmente circuito permanente April 12th 1977
(47) Italian Autosprint 44/1978 (page 21) Storia del circuito dal 1947 October 31st 1978
(48) Italian Autosprint 29/1979 (page 27) Demoliti i vecchi box, si costruiscono i nuovi in tempo per il GP Dino Ferrari July 17th 1979
(49) Italian Autosprint (52)-1/1980 (page 61) Imola: programma 1980 December 27th 1979
(50) Italian Autosprint 29/1980 (page 20) July 15th 1980
(51) Italian Autosprint 36/1980 (page 33) September 2nd 1980
(52) Italian Rombo 16 (53)/1982 (page 16) Track history April 19th 1982
(53) Italian Autosprint 16/1982 (page 64) Storia April 20th 1982
(54) Italian Autosprint 5/1984 (page 16) Novità 1984 in alcune vie di fuga January 31st 1984
(55) Italian Rombo 17 (158)/1984 (page 18) Nel 1985 ridisegnate le Acque Minerali e ingrandite le tribune alla Tosa? April 24th 1984
(56) Italian Autosprint 18/1984 (page 60) May 1st 1984
(57) Italian Autosprint 48/1984 (page 19) Lavori in corso: realizzata una strada di collegamento November 27th 1984
(58) Italian Autosprint 3/1985 (page 16) January 15th 1985
(59) Italian Rombo 11 (204)/1985 (page 29) Quasi ultimata la nuova torre Marlboro, nulla da fare per le nuove Acque Minerali March 12th 1985
(60) Italian Rombo 16 (209)/1985 (page 83) I motociclisti contestano la curva Villeneuve e chiedono modifiche April 16th 1985
(61) Italian Rombo 18 (211)/1985 (page 27) Analisi della sicurezza al Tamburello e Villeneuve per auto e moto - modifiche richieste April 30th 1985
(62) Italian Rombo 24 (217)/1985 (page 83) In luglio lavori alla sicurezza del Tamburello per i motociclisti June 11th 1985
(63) Italian Rombo 27 (220)/1985 (page 85) Variante Villeneuve in costruzione e nuove vie di fuga prima della Rivazza, ma salta il GP San Marino July 2nd 1985
(64) Italian Rombo 31 (224)/1985 (page 15) Pronta la variante Villeneuve, tra poco si sbanca la Rivazza per aumentare la via di fuga July 30th 1985
(65) Italian Rombo 15 (260)/1986 (page 68) Quattro nuove tribune per il GP F.1 April 8th 1986
(66) Italian Rombo 17 (262)/1986 (page 12) Le novità 1986: tribune, paddock, sbancamenti.... April 22nd 1986
(67) Italian Rombo 38 (335)/1987 (page 31) Forse dal 1988 prove solo con i silenziatori September 22nd 1987
(68) Italian Autosprint 42/1987 (page 10) Muretti al posto dei guard rails October 13th 1987
(69) Italian Rombo 16 (364)/1988 (page 6) Photos of 1988 works April 19th 1988
(70) Italian Rombo (Magazine) 20A (368)/1988 (page 10) Motorbike World Championshib is back on the modified track May 17th 1988
(71) Italian Rombo 3 (401)/1989 (page 79) In progetto un kartodromo vicino all’autodromo January 17th 1989
(72) Italian Rombo 21 (419)/1989 (page 44) Per riavere l’agibilità per le moto deve essere riasfaltato May 23rd 1989
(73) Italian Rombo 21 (419)/1989 (page 44) Per allargare il Tamburello ci saranno palafitte sul fiume Santerno? May 23rd 1989
(74) Italian Rombo 16 (463)/1990 (page 28) Novità alle infrastrutture in vista del GP 1990 April 17th 1990
(75) Italian Autosprint 32/1991 (page 20) Messo a punto un sistema telemetrico innovativo August 6th 1991
(76) Italian Autosprint 21/1994 (page 27) May 24th 1994
(77) Italian Autosprint 29/1994 (page 31) July 19th 1994
(78) Italian Autosprint 40/1994 (page 30) October 4th 1994
(79) Italian Autosprint 3/1995 (page 19) January 17th 1995
(80) Italian Autosprint 9/1995 (page 115) February 28th 1995
(81) Italian Autosprint 2/1996 (page 25) Modifiche 1996 January 9th 1996
(82) Italian Autosprint 3/1996 (page 26) Modifiche 1996 January 16th 1996
(83) English World Motor Racing Circuits: A Spectator’s Guide (page 68) Author: Peter Higham, Bruce Jones - Published by: Andre Deutsch - ISBN: 0-233-99619-2
(84) Italian Autosprint 9/2000 (page 16) FIA changes measuring measuring system: new official lenght February 29th 2000
(85) Italian Autosprint 7/2005 (page 26) Safety improvements at Tosa, Piratella and Variante Alta February 15th 2005
(86) Italian Autosprint 46/2005 (page 26) Non c’è più traccia dei fondi garantiti dal governo per i lavori November 15th 2005
(87) Italian Autosprint 3/2006 (page 28) Rivoluzione a fine 2006: spostati i box, sparirà la Variante Bassa January 17th 2006
(88) Italian Autosprint 5/2006 (page 15) Il progetto per il 2007 va avanti January 31st 2006
(89) Italian Autosprint 9/2006 (page 24) Tilke approva le modifiche per l’eliminazione della Variante Bassa. Storia delle modifiche alla Variante Bassa dal 1971 ad oggi (by Marco Magri) February 28th 2006
(90) Italian Autosprint 12/2006 (page 34) Con l’eliminazione della Variante Bassa, fa discutere il rettilineo principale del progetto, che potrebbe essere rivisto (con mappa parziale) (by Mario Donnini) March 21st 2006
(91) Italian Autosprint 15/2006 (page 24) 2006 news: Varianta Alta slightly changed April 11th 2006
(92) Italian Autosprint 45/2006 (page 12) Progetti futuri: perso il GP, si continua con il rinnovamento e il 19 novembre 2006 saranno abbattuti i vecchi box. Quale futuro per le moto? November 7th 2006
(93) Italian Autosprint 45/2006 (page 12) Imola non molla - anche senza il GP San Marino F.1 il circuito vivrà: progetti per il futuro (by Daniele Buzzonetti) November 7th 2006
(94) Italian Autosprint 47/2006 (page 14) Cronaca della demolizione dei box e prospettive future (by Alberto Antonini) November 21st 2006
(95) Italian Autosprint 48/2006 (page 23) Peroni vuole gestire l’impianto November 28th 2006
(96) Italian Autosprint 4/2007 (page 71) Aggiornamento sui lavori in corso: devono essere finiti entro il 30 aprile 2007 (by Daniele Buzzonetti) January 23rd 2007
(97) Italian Autosprint 5/2007 (page 33) Inizia il dopo SAGIS January 30th 2007
(98) Italian Autosprint 7/2007 (page 28) Works update (with photos) (by Alberto Antonini) February 13th 2007
(99) Italian Autosprint 9/2007 (page 22) Comparsa su un cartello ad Imola una prima bozza della nuova mappa February 27th 2007
(100) Italian Autosprint 10/2007 (page 18) I nuovi box crescono (foto), fra poco ci sarà la gara d’appalto March 6th 2007
(101) Italian Autosprint 13/2007 (page 22) Foto dei lavori in corso March 27th 2007
(102) Italian Autosprint 16/2007 (page 28) Photo of new boxes under construction April 17th 2007
(103) Italian Autosprint 18/2007 (page 28) Works are too slow, future is uncertain (with photos) (by Arturo Rizzoli) May 1st 2007
(104) Italian Autosprint 29/2007 (page 23) How new fast ben could be approved? July 17th 2007
(105) Italian Autosprint 38/2007 (page 36) September 18th 2007
(106) Italian Autosprint 1-2/2008 (page 30) The circuit is ready. What about the future? January 8th 2008
(107) Italian Autosprint 4/2008 (page 29) Il 12 febbraio saranno presentati i programmi della nuova gestione del circuito January 22nd 2008
(108) Italian Autosprint 34/2010 (page 62) Circuit for 10h Imola Endurance Kart: map and description August 24th 2010
(109) Italian Autosprint 32-33/2011 (page 73) Circuit repaved (with map that shows what sections are repaved) August 9th 2011
(110) Italian Autosprint Collection 1/2018 (page 86) Santerno fa il miracolo, ma poi... - ricordi del circuito (by Arturo Merzario) March 6th 2018
(111) Italian Autosprint Collection 1/2018 (page 86) Santerno fa il miracolo, ma poi... - ricordi del circuito (by Mario Donnini) March 6th 2018
(112) Italian Autosprint 10/2019 (page 46) Bastian Contrario - Cara Imola, noi stiamo con l’autodromo (by Mario Donnini) March 5th 2019
(113) Italian Autosprint 30/2020 (page 34) Bastian Contrario - Dichiarazione di amore infinito per Imola: tornerà la F.1 (by Mario Donnini) July 28th 2020
(114) Italian Autosprint Gold Collection 1/2021 Imola del Tesoro: Monographic issue dedicated to the history of Imola (by Mario Donnini) March 27th 2021
(115) Italian Autosprint Gold Collection 1/2021 Imola del Tesoro: Monographic issue dedicated to the history of Imola (by Andrea Cordovani) March 27th 2021
(116) Italian Autosprint Gold Collection 1/2021 (page 54) Cara Imola, noi stiamo con l’autodromo (ristampa da Autosprint 10/2019) (by Mario Donnini) March 27th 2021
(117) Italian Autosprint Gold Collection 1/2021 (page 58) Dichiarazione di amore infinito per Imola: tornerà la F.1 (ristampa da Autosprint 30/2020) (by Mario Donnini) March 27th 2021
(118) Italian (...) Imola to rename Variante Alta in honour of Fausto Gresini September 14th 2021
(119) Italian (...) 2004 track changes May 10th 2024

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description The circuit was officially inaugurated on April 25th 1953, but first test both by cars and bikes, occurred on October 19th 1952.
At first it was used mostly by motorbikers; cars used it often only in second half of 1960s. It was nicknamed «small Nürburgring because of its difficulty. It was named after Dino Ferrari probably in 1970 (or later). At that time, the circuit used roads normally open to everyday traffic, but many improvements were wade (see below). There were often many bureaucratic problems, so that in Spring 1971 there according to rumors the circuit would have been abandoned and replaced by a new one to be built at Borgo Panigale, just outside Bologna.

  • Summer 1970: run off area extended at Tosa, pit exit modified and armco added at pit exit, Tamburello, Piratella, Acque Minerali and Rivazza.
  • July 1971: hedge cut down at external of Tamburello, for have 5 m more. Bend before boxes, downhill before Rivazza, Rivazza itself and following straights extended.
  • June 1972: nets and armco moved away from the track on main straight, Tamburello and downhill before Rivazza, where a large internal emergency strip was created.
  • August 1972: first Variante bassa (lower chicane) was built, not shown on the map
Years 1953÷1972
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit YES
Type Road course
Inauguration April 25th 1953
Closing August 1972
Last update of this page April 4th 2006
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Tiro a Volo - Rivazza
length 5018  m 16463  ft 3.118  mi   (52)

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description First proposal for a chicane just before finish line. Few time later, in the same point Variante Bassa was built, but with a completely different layout.
Years 1972
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Road course
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update July 1972
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Tiro a Volo - Rivazza

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description In August 1972 first layout of Variante Bassa (lower chicane) was built. In February 1973 the circuit should have become a permanent track, but nothing happened. Some safety improvements were made at Tamburello and Piratella, but without changing their layout. In July 1973 works for new Cariante Bassa started and Tiro a Volo straight (just before Rivazza) was widened
Years 1972÷1973
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Road course
Inauguration August 1972
Closing July 1973
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Tiro a Volo - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 5122  m 16804  ft 3.183  mi   (52)

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description In September 1973 Variante Bassa (lower chicane) was modified
Years 1973÷1974
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Road course
Inauguration September 1973
Closing May 1974
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Tiro a Volo - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 5122  m 16804  ft 3.183  mi   (52)

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description Variante Alta (higher chicane) adedd, with a temporary layout
Years 1974÷1975
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Road course
Inauguration May 1974
Closing March 1975
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 5060  m 16601  ft 3.144  mi   (52)

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description In 1979 Imola wants to snatch Italy GP out of Monza and it became a permanent circuit. Both in 1979 and 1980 many improvements and changes were made, but I think track layout didn’t change in this period. Formula 1 went to Imola in 1979 for GP Dino Ferrari, a non championship race; in 1980 it hosted the only world championship Italy GP outside Monza.
Years 1979÷1980
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Inauguration August 1979
Closing June 1980
Last update of this page April 4th 2006
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 5040  m 16535  ft 3.132  mi   (52)

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description This layout was used from 1981 to 1994 (included). Compared to 1980, track length is not changed, but Acque Minerali Bend became a chicane
The only change made in this period to the track layout was the addition of a chicane at Villeneuve bend in July 1985 (not shown on the map), used only by morobiker. Moreover in 1988 second Variante Alta (Higher Chicane), a temporary chicane between Variante Alta and Rivazza with wooden curbs, used only by motorbikes.
In this period many works were made for improving safety equipments and facilities. The circuit is named after Enzo Ferrari only after his death; before it was called simply "Dino Ferrari".
Years 1981÷1994
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit YES
Type Permanent
Inauguration 1981
Closing 1994
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 5040  m 16535  ft 3.132  mi   (52)

Autodromo Dino Ferrari
Description In January 1985 it was proposed to eliminate Acque Minerali chicane and to restore a bend similar to the one used up to 1979-1980. This change should have been ready within San Marino GP 1986. This proposal was not developed and chicane was eliminated only in 1994-1995. Still in 1985 some facilities improvements were proposed: among them, three new tribunes at Tosa corner. I don’t know it they were ever built.
Years 1985
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update January 1985
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description After Senna’s, Ratzenberger’s and Barrichello’s accidents in 1994, they decided to modify the track. Maps B, C and D shows different possibilities proposed in a short space of time and that could have been mixed.
Years 1994
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Inauguration 1997
Last update of this page September 26th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description When printing the official advertising of 1995 San Marino GP, definitive track has not been decided yet, so this map has been published.
Differences with real track:
  • Tamburello: the chicane seems the one really built
  • Villeneuve: the chicane drawn is the one used by motorcyclists
  • Acque Minerali: the chicane drawn was eliminated in 1995
  • Variante Bassa (Marlboro): in 1995 entry was modified
Years 1995
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page September 26th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Years 1995
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page April 4th 2006
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 4895  m 16060  ft 3.042  mi    

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Years 1996
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page April 4th 2006
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 4892  m 16050  ft 3.04  mi    

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Years 1997÷2005
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Inauguration 1997
Closing 2005
Last update of this page September 26th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta - Rivazza - Variante Bassa
length 4943  m 16217  ft 3.072  mi Temporary unconfirmed track length, while waiting for new measuring systems (Spring 2000)  
length 4930  m 16175  ft 3.063  mi Official track length until 1999 (in 2000 FIA changed measuring system)  
length 4933  m 16184  ft 3.065  mi Official track length from 2000, when FIA changed measuring system (track unchanged) (10)
Width 12.45  m 41  ft    Start finish straight (10)
Min width 9.8  m 32  ft      (10)
Straight length 768  m 2520  ft 0.477  mi Start finish straight (10)

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description Variante Alta was slighlty changed
Years 2006
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Inauguration 2006
Closing 2006
Last update of this page January 7th 2025
Info last update  
Distinctive points  
length 4959  m 16270  ft 3.081  mi   (91)

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description Proposals dated autumn 2001 for deleting Variante Alta and changing Curva Rivazza (partial maps)
Years 2001
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page February 25th 2008
Info last update November 2001
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Rivazza - Variante Bassa

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari
Description Pits and paddock were completely rebuilt and Variante Bassa is canceled. In August 2011 70% of the track was repaved. Only two small sections are still with the old asphalt: the first is from the second half of uphill after Acque Minerali up to Variante Alta exit and the other is from Second Curva Rivazza (included) up to start line.

On September 12th 2021 Variante Alta was officially renamed in honour of Fausto Gresini
Years 2008÷...
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational  
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Inauguration May 3rd 2008
Last update of this page September 26th 2021
Info last update  
Distinctive points Tamburello - Villeneuve - Tosa - Piratella - Acque Minerali - Salita Agraria - Variante Alta (2021÷...: Curva Gresini) - Rivazza
length 4909  m 16106  ft 3.05  mi   (6)

Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari - 10h Imola Endurance Kart
Description Main course was modified in order to be used by 4 strokes karts, by adding 9 chicanes: at start/finish line, before after Tamburello, before Villeneuve, at exit of Piratella, after Variante Alta, between Variante Alta and Rivazza, at oit entry and in front of pits
Years 2010
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational  
Car Circuit  
Motorbike circuit  
Type Kart track
Inauguration August 28th 2010
Last update of this page September 1st 2010
Info last update  
Designer Invernizzi
Beppe Invernizzi
Distinctive points  

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari: 1972 proposal

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari: 1972 proposal

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1979

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1979

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari: 1985 proposal

Imola, Autodromo Dino Ferrari: 1985 proposal

Imola: proposed changes [A] (May 1994)

Imola: proposed changes [A] (May 1994)

Imola: proposed changes [A] (May 1994)

Imola: proposed changes [A] (May 1994)

Imola: proposed changes [A] (May 1994)

Imola 1995 (from official advertising of San Marino F.1 GP)

Imola 1995 (from official advertising of San Marino F.1 GP)

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari: 2001 proposal A

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari: 2001 proposal A

Imola, Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari: 2001 proposal A


Photos by Guido de Carli - May 1st 1994
Click on thumbnail to open original large photo

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Emanuel Collard (Porsche Supercup)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Jordan1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Porsche Supercup1994 F.1 San Marino GP: McLaren

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Simtek1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Larrousse1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Footwork1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ligier

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Williams1994 F.1 San Marino GP: McLaren1994 F.1 San Marino GP: McLaren1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Benetton

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Berger (Ferrari)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ferrari1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Lotus1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gachot (Pacific)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Pacific1994 F.1 San Marino GP: pit lane1994 F.1 San Marino GP: podium1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ferrari

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ferrari1994 F.1 San Marino GP: track from pit lane1994 F.1 San Marino GP: McLaren1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Williams

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Williams1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Wendlinger (Sauber)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Fittipaldi (Footwork)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Sauber

1994 F.1 San Marino GP1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Jordan1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Pedro Lamy (Lotus)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Nicola Larini (Ferrari)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Martin Brundle (McLaren)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gerhard Berger (Ferrari)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ayrton Senna (Williams) 1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Andrea De Cesaris (Jordan)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: first starting grid1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Johnny Herbert (Lotus) + Ligier1994 F.1 San Marino GP: during warming lap1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ayrton Senna (Williams) at the end of warming lap

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gerhard Berger? (Ferrari) at the end of warming lap1994 F.1 San Marino GP: First start1994 F.1 San Marino GP: First start: JJ Lehto (Benetton) and Pedro Lamy (Lotus) crash1994 F.1 San Marino GP: First start: JJ Lehto (Benetton) and Pedro Lamy (Lotus) crash

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: JJ Lehto (Benetton)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: JJ Lehto (Benetton)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: JJ Lehto (Benetton)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: JJ Lehto (Benetton)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Safety car1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Eric Comas (Larrousse)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Eric Comas (Larrousse)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gerhard Berger (Ferrari)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gerhard Berger (Ferrari)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Karl Wendlinger (Sauber)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Second starting grid 1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Crashed Senna’s Williams

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Crashed Senna’s Williams1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Second start1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gerhard Berger (Ferrari) leading the race1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ferrari

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Andrea De Cesaris (Jordan)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Mark Blundell (Tyrrell)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Gianni Morbidelli (Footwork)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Ukyo Katayama (Tyrrell)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Andrea De Cesaris (Jordan)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Nicola Larini (Ferrari)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Christian Fittipaldi (Footwork)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Michael Schumacher (Benetton)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Nicola Larini (Ferrari)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Tyrrell1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Martin Brundle (McLaren)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Karl Wendlinger (Sauber)

1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Damon Hill (Williams)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Michael Schumacher (Benetton): victory1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Michael Schumacher (Benetton)1994 F.1 San Marino GP: Nicola Larini (Ferrari)


Photos by Lorenzo Tommasi & Elisa D’Onofrio - May 2nd 2009
Click on thumbnail to open original large photo

Start/finish line and new main straightNew pitsEnd of main straightMain straight

Pit exitChicane TamburelloChicane TamburelloEntry of Chicane Villeneuve

Chicane VilleneuveExit of Chicane Villeneuve and. In background, TosaTosa CornerTosa Corner

Negligence of the trackLights for ancient driversTamburello Corner, external wallAcque Minerali

Acque MineraliAcque MineraliUphill to Variante AltaUphill to Variante Alta

Out of Variante AltaDownhill and Rivazza cornersNew pit entryParking of Ayrton Senna Grandstand

Parking of Ayrton Senna GrandstandSenna memorial - Parco ImolaSenna memorial - Parco ImolaGilles Villeneuve memorial, at Villeneuve chicane

Gilles Villeneuve memorial, at Villeneuve chicaneRatzenberger grandstand, external of Curva TosaRivazza grandstand entrance (note map with old layout) 

Date Track layout Years Description by Map by Thanks to Note
January 7th 2025 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 2006 Guido de Carli     Update Sources and links
October 18th 2024     Guido de Carli     Update Sources and links
May 11th 2024     Guido de Carli     Update Description
September 26th 2021     Guido de Carli     Update Description
September 1st 2011 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 2008÷... Guido de Carli     Update Description
September 1st 2010 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari - 10h Imola Endurance Kart 2010 Guido de Carli     Update Description
June 8th 2009 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 2008÷... Lorenzo Tommasi   Lorenzo Tommasi Update Photos (on this site)
September 11th 2008     Guido de Carli     Update Description
April 8th 2008     Guido de Carli     Update Description
March 15th 2008 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994 Guido de Carli     Update Description
February 25th 2008     Guido de Carli     Update Description
February 10th 2008 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972 Guido de Carli     Update Description
August 20th 2005 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994 Guido de Carli     Update Description
August 18th 2005     Guido de Carli     Update Description
April 19th 2005     Guido de Carli     Update Photos (on this site)
March 31st 2005 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972 Guido de Carli     Update Description
March 10th 2005 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972 Guido de Carli     Update Description
March 5th 2005 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972 Guido de Carli     Update Description
February 17th 2005 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1972 Guido de Carli     Update Description with map
February 17th 2005 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1985 Guido de Carli     Update Description with map
February 27th 2004 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1953÷1972 Guido de Carli Guido de Carli   Update Description with map
December 29th 2003 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994 Guido de Carli     Update Description
December 29th 2003 Autodromo Dino Ferrari 1979÷1980 Guido de Carli Guido de Carli   Update Description with map
September 27th 2003 Autodromo Enzo e Dino Ferrari 1981÷1994 Guido de Carli Guido de Carli   New Description with map
August 5th 2002     Guido de Carli     Update Description
Not all eventual updates issued in last years are already visible in this list
Guido de Carli
(Italiano - English - Español)