Not to be confused with Mugello (196x) - Mugello, Circuito Stradale - San Piero a Sieve (1967) - San Piero a Sieve, Circuito della Fortezza
Location Scarperia
FI - Firenze - Toscana
Location I Crocioni, 1 km - 0.6 mi from Scarperia and 28 km - 17 mi North of Florence
Latitude - Longitude + 43°59'50"     + 11°22'18"
43.997222     11.371667
UTM Coordinates X = 690157.149  -  Y = 4874298.872  -  Zone 32T
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Flash Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Portale Cartografico Nazionale
Altitude AMSL 250 m - 820 ft
Inauguration June 23rd 1974
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Italian English Official website
(2) English 2011 Revamping
(3) Italian Autosprint 7/1970 (page 39) Si costruirà a Scarperia la nuova pista? February 16th 1970
(4) Italian Autosprint 20/1970 (page 23) Le gelosie degli altri progetti per il circuito toscano: Volterra, Siena, .... May 18th 1970
(5) Italian Autosprint 48/1970 (page 21) Continua la guerra fra Mugello e Chianti per avere l’autodromo November 30th 1970
(6) Italian Autosprint 49/1970 (page 30) In sintesi gli investimenti 1971 (con Mappa) December 7th 1970
(7) Italian Autosprint 9/1971 (page 34) Commenti da Siena (senza mappa) March 1st 1971
(8) Italian Autosprint 10/1971 (page 31) Pronto nel 1973, costerà 2 miliardi (con mappa) March 8th 1971
(9) Italian Autosprint 18/1971 (page 43) Descrizione della nuova pista May 3rd 1971
(10) Italian Autosprint 26/1971 (page 17) Autodromo pronto entro il 1973 June 28th 1971
(11) Italian Autosprint 30/1971 (page 35) In marzo il via ai lavori July 26th 1971
(12) Italian Autosprint 47/1971 (page 16) Plastico nuovo circuito, praticamente uguale al circuito definitivo November 22nd 1971
(13) Italian Autosprint 4/1972 (page 17) Finanziate le strade, in marzo iniziano i lavori? January 24th 1972
(14) Italian Autosprint 25/1972 (page 27) Avanzamento lavori, pianta della configurazione definitiva in prospettiva June 19th 1972
(15) Italian Autosprint 46/1972 (page 2) Per dispetto a Monza, GP Italia 1973 al Mugello? November 13th 1972
(16) Italian Autosprint 20/1973 (page 6) Prime foto dall’aereo, asfaltatura pronta per settembre May 14th 1973
(17) Italian Autosprint 37/1973 (page 16) Quasi pronta la pista, si corre in primavera September 10th 1973
(18) Italian Autosprint 17/1974 (page 44) De Adamich ha provato il circuito April 22nd 1974
(19) Italian Autosprint 23/1974 (page 46) Ultimi lavori, a 20 giorni dall’inagurazione June 4th 1974
(20) Italian Autosprint 26/1974 (page 33) Inaugurato sotto il diluvio June 25th 1974
(21) Italian Autosprint 27/1974 (page 54) Commenti dopo l’inaugurazione e prima della gara F.2 July 2nd 1974
(22) Italian Autosprint 38/1974 (page 51) Tolto 1 km di guard rails September 17th 1974
(23) Italian Autosprint 47/1974 (page 22) Quali problemi per portare al Mugello il GP Italia November 19th 1974
(24) Italian Autosprint 32/1977 (page 46) Lavori per migliorare la sicurezza August 9th 1977
(25) Italian Autosprint 44/1978 (page 23) Reazioni all’assegnazione del GP Italia F.1 a Imola October 31st 1978
(26) Italian Autosprint 9/1981 (page 26) I nuovi lavori aspettano soldi February 24th 1981
(27) Italian Autosprint 22/1981 (page 89) Lavori in vista per ospitare la F.1 May 26th 1981
(28) Italian Autosprint 25/1981 (page 27) Ancora lontana la F.1 June 16th 1981
(29) Italian Autosprint 48/1984 (page 19) Chiuso un mese per lavori November 27th 1984
(30) Italian Rombo 3 (248)/1986 (page 80) Crisi finanziaria, circuito verso la chiusura? January 14th 1986
(31) Italian Rombo 19 (264)/1986 (page 30) Pista acquistata dalla SAGIS, già proprietaria di Imola, dopo il no della Fiat? May 6th 1986
(32) Italian Rombo 3 (300)/1987 (page 14) Tolta l’omologazione per le gare internazionali? January 20th 1987
(33) Italian Rombo 11 (308)/1987 (page 75) Riaperto il circuito dopo la pausa invernale, rimane il rischio chiusura March 17th 1987
(34) Italian Autosprint 13/1987 (page 22) In aprile nuovo manto stradale March 24th 1987
(35) Italian Rombo 31 (379)/1988 (page 18) Ferrari buys the track August 2nd 1988
(36) Italian Rombo 40 (387)/1988 (page 40) Chiusi i battenti, iniziano i lavori della Ferrari October 4th 1988
(37) Italian Rombo 45 (392)/1988 (page 46) Iniziano gli accordi tra Ferrari e comune di Scarperia per le nuove infrastrutture November 8th 1988
(38) Italian Rombo 16 (414)/1989 (page 59) Posata la prima pietra dei nuovi box April 18th 1989
(39) Italian Rombo 21 (419)/1989 (page 44) Nuovi box e nuove via di fuga, costruzione in corso May 23rd 1989
(40) Italian Rombo 23 (470)/1990 (page 48) Punto sui lavori e mappa allungamento in progetto June 5th 1990
(41) Italian Autosprint 47/1990 (page 60) Lavori dopo l’acquisto da parte della Ferrari - progetto allungamento rettilineo (senza mappa) November 20th 1990
(42) Italian Rombo 10 (507)/1991 (page 38) Riaperta la pista dopo i lavori fatti dalla Ferrari March 7th 1991
(43) Italian Autosprint 3/1996 (page 28) Modifiche 1996 January 16th 1996
(44) English World Motor Racing Circuits: A Spectator’s Guide (page 132) Author: Peter Higham, Bruce Jones - Published by: Andre Deutsch - ISBN: 0-233-99619-2

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello
Description Plan for new Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello (Mugello International Circuit) updated to Spring 1971. Works should have been started within next Summer and circuit should have been inaugurated in Spring 1973 (in fact first race was raced on June 23rd 1974).
Three circuit were proposed; I think that my maps shows the long and the medium ones.
Years 1971
Direction Clockwise   Clockwise
Progetto Proposal Proposal  YES
Proposal not developed YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit  
Type Permanent
Last update of this page March 12th 2008
Info last update March 1971
Distinctive points  
length 3870  m 12697  ft 2.405  mi Short circuit (8)
length 7440  m 24409  ft 4.623  mi Full circuit (8)
length 5350  m 17552  ft 3.324  mi Medium Circuit (8)

Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello
Description Undulated and difficult circuit.
In summer 1972 the circuit was under construction and its layout was already the final one. At the end of 1980s the circuit had many economical problems and it was bought by Ferrari
Years 1974÷...
Direction Clockwise   Clockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational  
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit YES
Type Permanent
Inauguration June 23rd 1974
Last update of this page March 12th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points San Donato - Luco - Poggio Secco - Materassi - Borgo San Lorenzo - Casanova - Savelli - Arrabbiata 1 - Arrabbiata 2 - Scarperia - Palagio - Correntaio - Biondetti 1 - Biondetti 2 - Bucine
length 5245  m 17208  ft 3.259  mi    

Mugello, 1971 proposal: full course

Mugello, 1971 proposal: full course

Mugello, 1971 proposal: full course

Date Track layout Years Description by Map by Thanks to Note
October 21st 2020     Guido de Carli   Matteo Bonan Update Description
July 10th 2013     Guido de Carli     Update Description
April 8th 2008     Guido de Carli     Update Description
March 12th 2008     Guido de Carli     Update Description
August 18th 2005 Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello 1974÷... Guido de Carli     Update Description
March 10th 2005 Autodromo Internazionale del Mugello 1971 Guido de Carli     Update Description
Not all eventual updates issued in last years are already visible in this list
Guido de Carli
(Italiano - English - Español)
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