Not to be confused with Parma - San Pancrazio
Description Street circuit, used at least on June 3rd 1934, probably for a motorbike race. I don’t know if it was used more times, before or after this race; but I know that on June 13th 1947 1st Circuito di Parma (car race) was raced on a 3 km circuit and it could be this one.
I’m not sure that the circuit was as shown on my map because I can’t locate exactly Istituto delle Missioni. I have no evidence that start/finish line was in Viale Umberto I and that direction was anticlockwise: these are my assumptions taken from track description. I have no more info.
Location Parma
PR - Parma - Emilia Romagna
Location In Parma town center, around Cittadella Park
Latitude - Longitude + 44°47'33"     + 10°19'57"
44.7925     10.3325
UTM Coordinates X = 605399.836  -  Y = 4960763.777  -  Zone 32T
Aerial photo / Map (*) Aerial photo / Map (*) OpenStreetMap  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Google Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Bing Maps  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Zoom Earth  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Wikimapia  -   Aerial photo / Map (*) Portale Cartografico Nazionale
Altitude AMSL 64 m - 210 ft
Inauguration June 3rd 1934
Closing 1949
Sources and links (Translation) (**)
(1) Italian Il Littoriale 1934 (newspaper of that age). e-mail from Pier Paolo Garagnani dated October 6th 2005
(2) Italian archivio di Andrea
(3) English Track layout
(4) Italian Tazio Nuvolari’s official website

(*) NOTE: a complete and detailed view of the circuit can be found (if available) on Street View by Google Maps and/or Bird's Eye and 3D views by Bing Maps for Enterprise (former Microsoft Virtual Earth): both can be reached using their own link in Aerial photo / Map cell.

(**) For on-line not-English speaking sources, click on each small flag and you open the corresponding Google Translator page with automatic translation.

Circuito di Parma
Description Direction to be confirmed
Years 1934÷1938, 1945÷1949
Direction Anticlockwise   Anticlockwise
Progetto Proposal NO
No longer operational YES
Car Circuit YES
Motorbike circuit YES
Type Street course
Inauguration June 3rd 1934
Closing 1949
Last update of this page October 6th 2008
Info last update  
Distinctive points Viale Umberto I (Stradone Martiri della Libertà) - Viale Giovanni Rustici - Istituto delle Missioni - Viale Duca Alessandro - Casino Petitot (Piazzale Risorgimento) - Viale Umberto I (Stradone Martiri della Libertà)
length 3000  m 9843  ft 1.864  mi   (2)
length 3000  m 9843  ft 1.864  mi   (4)
length 2944  m 9659  ft 1.83  mi Calculated from aerial photo (*) (3)

Parma 1934÷1938, 1945÷1949 (map deducted from descriptions, it could be wrong)

Parma 1934÷1938, 1945÷1949 (map deducted from descriptions, it could be wrong)

Circuito di Parma

See this track layout with

( can be used in your browser, without installing anything; Google Earth is a program that must be installed in your computer)

Date Track layout Years Description by Map by Thanks to Note
October 6th 2008 Circuito di Parma 1934÷1938, 1945÷1949 Guido de Carli     Update Description with map
October 16th 2005 Circuito di Parma 1934÷1938, 1945÷1949 Guido de Carli Guido de Carli Pier Paolo Garagnani New Description with map
Not all eventual updates issued in last years are already visible in this list
Guido de Carli
(Italiano - English - Español)
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