Description |
Sixth permanent circuit in Sweden. It was built by MK Scandia, Linköping, that set up a proper company named AB Mantorp Park. At first they thought to name the circuit Mantorp Ring, then the Swedish driver Joakim Bonnier suggested to name it Mantorp Park, because there were too many Rings and because the circuit was born as a motor racing park. The drack was designed by Lars Olof Larsson, MK Scandia sporting director and it was slighly modified by Bonnier, at that time a driver very concerned in circuit safety. FIA approval was given by Pietezr Nortie. Start/finish straight is 500 m - 1640 ft long (200 m - 656 ft of them after start/finish line); opposite straight is 850 m - 0.528 mi long and it can be used also as a landing strip. There were two safety run of areas, the first at the end of the long straight and the second at tle last corner. In 1974 it was closed because economical reasons, I don’t know when it was reopened. In 1980 or 1981 - after a fatal crach in late 1970s - it was changed by adding a chicane, because that there was a big rock on that run off area and it was not possible to remove it. Short track was not built yet. |
Location |
Linköping E - Östergötland - Östra Mellansverige |
Location |
20 km from Linköping, between Halsingborg and Stockholm |
Latitude - Longitude |
+ 58°22'05" + 15°17'03" 58.368056 15.284167 |
UTM Coordinates |
X = 516624.157 - Y = 6469723.266 - Zone 33V |
Aerial photo / Map (*) |
OpenStreetMap - Google Maps - Bing Maps - Flash Earth - Wikimapia - Eniro |
Altitude AMSL |
92 m - 302 ft |
Inauguration |
August 31st 1969 |
Closing |
Designer |
Sources and links (Translation) (**) |
(1) |
Da Monza a Indianapolis (page 201) | Author: Tommaso Tommasi - Published by: Arnoldo Mondadori Editore - Published in: Italia - year: 1973
| (2) |
w1.875.telia.com/~u87527956/history.htm | Mantorp Park GPL project | (3) |
www.racefoto.se/Racetrackssidan/Tracks.html | Tracks in Scandinavia by Racefoto Bengt-Åce Liljevind | (4) |
Autosprint 11/1969 (page 3) | Sixth permanent circuit in Sweden is opened | (5) |
Autosprint 21/1969 (page 20) | Map and main data | (6) |
Autosprint 35/1974 (page 62) | | (7) |
Autosprint 38/1981 (page 36) | | (8) |
www.motorevents.com | Official website |