Up to 1991, Ukraine was part of USSR (Soviet Union)
City of Lviv (known as Leopoli in Italian, L’viv in Ukrainian, L’vov in Russian, Lwów in Polish, Lemberg in German and more names in different languages) today is in Ukraine but up to Second World War it was in Poland
Crimea in this site is reported as Russia and not as Ukraine because from March 2014 this is the situation de facto, but it has no political implication
Circuit Location Oblast Latitude Longitude ~
Circuit Location Oblast Latitude Longitude ~
Artemovsk / Артемівськ / Артемовск Artemovsk      
Chaika / Чайка Chaika (Kiev) Kiev Oblast + 50°26'18" + 30°18'12"
Chernivtsi / Чернівцв / Черновцы Chernivtsi Chernivtsi Oblast + 48°18'00" + 25°56'00" ~
Dniprodzerzhynsk / Дніпродзержинськ / Днепродзержинск Dniprodzerzhynsk Dnipropetrovsk Oblast + 48°32'24" + 34°32'26"
Donetsk / Донецьк / Донецк Donetsk Donetsk Oblast + 48°00'00" + 37°48'20" ~
Feodosiya / Феодосія / Феодосия Feodosiya Crimea + 45°02'06" + 35°20'06"
Kharkiv / Харків / Харьков Kharkiv Kharkiv Oblast + 50°00'00" + 36°12'30" ~
Kremenchuk / Кременчук / Кременчуг Kremenchuk Poltava Oblast + 49°04'00" + 33°25'00" ~
L’viv (2016) L’viv L’viv Oblast + 49°49'42" + 24°01'27" ~
Map L’viv / Lwów / Львів L’viv / Lwów L’viv Oblast + 49°49'42" + 24°01'27"
Melitopol / Мелітополь / Мелитополь Melitopol Zaporizhia Oblast + 46°50'00" + 35°22'00" ~
Pyrohiv / Пирогів / Пирогово Pyrohiv / Pirogovo Kiev + 50°19'46" + 30°31'57"
Starobilsk / Старобілісік / Старобельск Starobilsk Luhansk Oblast    
Vinnytsia / Вінниця / Винница Vinnytsia Vinnytsia Oblast + 49°14'00" + 28°29'00" ~
Zhovti Vody / Жовті Води / Жёлтые Воды Zhovti Vody Dnipropetrovsk Oblast + 48°22'28" + 33°30'04"
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